Advanced Teacher Training Application

Prerequisite: We recommend at least three years minimum FCBD®Style teaching experience prior to applying for Advanced Teacher Training.

In order to be accepted into the program, you must meet the following criteria

  • Hold Certified Studio Status
  • Demonstrate a high skill level in performance and teaching of FCBD®Style
  • Complete application form
  • Submit a 10 minute demonstration of teaching
  • Submit a 10 minute demonstration of performance (please include one slow and one fast performance)
  • Provide 2 references from other Certified Studios (1 page maximum each)

    Fields marked with a * are required.

    First Name (legal)*

    Last Name (legal)*

    Street address*







    Year and location of Teacher Training Certification*

    Please tell us why would you like to be an Advanced FCBD®Style Teacher?*
    Please include a brief summary of your dance background along with telling us why you want to participate in ATT.
    (3 paragraph maximum)

    Link to video of you teaching FCBD®Style*
    Please submit a 10 minute demonstration of your teaching FCBD®Style.
    (We prefer a video loaded to YouTube and a link.)

    Link to video of you performing FCBD®Style*
    Please submit a maximum 10 minute performance video of you performing FCBD®Style.
    Please include slow and fast performance.
    If you need to post two different performances, please feel free to do so.
    (We prefer a video loaded to YouTube and a link.)

    Certified Studio references*
    Please list the name and location of 2 Certified Studio references.
    Please have them submit their one page reference in a word document to The subject line should have "Reference for ATT on behalf of (your name)"
    Your application will not be complete until the references are received. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your letters of reference in advance of the due date.

    I Agree
    I agree to hold harmless Carolena Nericcio, FatChanceBellyDance, Inc. and their associates for any injury or loss incurred while participating in the activities sponsored by FatChanceBellyDance, Inc.